Are you tired and frustrated of setting a personal goal to lose weight and sustain a healthy diet, only to fall short of achieving that goal? Have you ever lost some or all the desired pounds you were hoping for only to have regained a significant amount of weight? Whatever your health goals are, it's not too late to take charge of your health and improve your current lifestyle; However, I want to share with you some fitness tips that will promote a healthy lifestyle and not a quick and short-term solution.
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Because of our busy lives and hectic schedules, it is difficult to adhere to an exercise routine or fitness program with any consistency. Moreover, we are fascinated with diet pills and rapid weight loss products. I have to admit I have tried several of these diet and weight loss programs as seen on television infomercials. I spent hundreds of dollars trying to find that "quick fix" or magic solution that would have allowed me to drop the desired pounds and have the perfect body. To my dismay, the dream never became a reality.I had no consistency with my weight loss and diet efforts. I didn't have the time or commitment to join a gym or health club. I'm sure there are many of you that have difficulty with exercising, dieting, or working out consistently. With a slumping economy, most people can't afford gym memberships or buy expensive exercise equipment.
After I invested hundreds of dollars in weight loss and diet products that either didn't work or I lost the motivation to continue with the programs...I decided to re-evaluate how I view weight loss and fitness. I wanted to start a realistic diet and fitness regiment that I could sustain long-term. I wanted to merge a fitness program into my daily routine that I could consider a lifestyle change instead of a short-term fitness plan. There are creative weight loss and fitness tips anyone can use to help with proper dieting and weight loss without going to the gym or buying expensive diet pills. These are practical and simple tips that will promote long-term success instead of a quick fix. You don't have to go to a gym to have an effective workout. There are things you can do in your home to get a good workout such as cardio, abdominal, aerobics, strength and resistance training. These are just a few tips to encourage long-term weight loss and fitness:
Doing various exercises such as push ups, sit ups and aerobics while a television commercial is on. If you're watching television, there is always time during commercials to be productive.
When out shopping or doing other business, park further away from your desired place to do some extra walking. We all have to go to various places where parking in a parking are is required. Walking a greater distance than normal would benefit greatly, especially if this is done with consistency.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator when in facilities that need one to go to another floor. I can confidently say this method helps to build endurance. I feel the burn when I have to go up three to five flights of stairs.
There are several items in your household that can be used for weight and strength resistance. If you have weights or dumbbells to use that is fine. However, you don't have to buy weight or dumbbells to increase muscle mass and strength.I use various types of heavy objects in the home to do repetitious exercises which benefits my biceps and triceps.
Change your diet habits. You can consume affordable healthy foods that will aid in proper weight loss and fitness. You don't have to totally give up the foods you love...however, consumption of not so healthy foods need to be done in moderation. I enjoyed snacking on sweets and other junk food in the past. I decided to replace high sugar and high fat snacks with healthy snacks such as fruits and some low-calorie snacks.
I have shared some practical tips to promote long-term weight loss and fitness that can fit into anyone's lifestyle. "People often equate successfully managing your weight with losing a significant amount of weight, but past research has shown that even a modest weight loss of 2 pounds can have clinical benefits," said Paul Terry, president and CEO of StayWell Health Management. Things things can easily be incorporated into our daily routines. Moreover, there are several other activities that one can do to promote a healthy lifestyle.
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